the 'truth'
I've recently had to grapple with the issue of of what "the truth" really is! With regards to faith, I mean...spirituality...religion...what have you. Mind you, I consider myself quite spiritual, if the word means what I think it does: spir-it-ual adj., noun 1 connected with the human spirit, rather than the body or physical things!
In the past, I was a devoted, never-wavering, almost obsessive jesus freak...the obviously wrong path, because it didn't last (but that's another issue on its own). I'm an infamous control freak...the kind you stumble upon often; it's not a rare trait. Point is, my obsessive compulsivity will not let me have FAITH, in that sense! I see most things at face value now, no illusions. What you see if mos def what you get! And "the truth" for me is that ultimately there is NONE! Acknowledging that H.I.M is the way, for the elected many, is more of a choice than a truth..."the truth"! In that manner, spirituality and religion (arguably 2 separate issues) are undoubtedly subjective, wouldn't you agree? Otherwise those who faulter wouldn't have to wait to die to know it.
A rasta buddy of mine says: "ultimately, there is only one truth, the battle is in owning the truth, accepting the truth, and living by the truth"...then goes on to say: " people see truths differently, but a is not b and b is not a"! WORD!