Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mbozi [back] to Jozi

The trip back? WOW what a schlep! Starting from the bumpiest of our farm rides, on a truck 'nogaal', back to our car at Adam's house. We were nowhere near ready for the trip back, and we were the first to admit that, before we even left. That could have well been the reason for our rocky return to SA.

Zambia welcomed us with a wave of paid-friendliness! There was no way we were going to escape the trap of a friendly face with an empty pocket, a hungry tummy, a selfish heart and a business mind! Mpika kept us there for 2 whole nights, add another whole one spent in Livingstone and you've got three unplanned stays in Zam. Livingstone saved us though, following our losses at Lusaka's thug infested streets while we had stopped to get dough, at least we could have a decent meal and a shower. We were dead broke, and had been looking soooo forward to our arrival at the biggest capital city we hit in our tour. In addition, our car lock was picked, and 2 bags and 2 phones stolen out of it. But on a high note, we checked out the Zambian ghetto...real ghetto I tell you...with ganja being sold on the streets and NO police presence...they get killed if they set foot there!

By the time we crossed the Zambezi, into Mugabe land once again, we were so fed up with ZAM/ZIM officials that we took some 'deadly' advise from a couple of whities telling us to rather cross through Botswana than Bulawayo. We lost our 2 drums in the process, along with a horn Supreme picked up in Malawi, due to foot and mouth desease control.

Moreover, deadly! Suicidal in fact! Cow-infested Botswanaland got us! We hit a cow, lost Rachel B (a tortoise we picked up along the road. Rachel A was left at the coffee farm), had to stay the night to fix our windscreen. We all agreed that we had been blessed with a second chance at life. Had that cow even brushed our car's body we'd be history! With all that done, it was time to head straight home. As far away from Jozi as Potties is, we felt safe the minute we were on SA soil!

Next trip to Ethiopia/Eritrea next holidays! Check this space!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Jozi to Mbozi

So you were probably wondering what's happened to me hah! Well, I took a well deserved, poorly planned and least prepared for trip around the SADC region of Afrika this December. It turned out to be one of the greatest things I'll ever do in my lifetime!

Early morning start, like 06h00, with a refreshing drive to Polokwane. Bought 2 new tires for the road (but only kept one as a spare, much to our demise). Hit Beitbridge that afternoon, and proceded to Harare, where we stopped at a local police station in search for a safe haven to lay our heads. Were saved by a cop and an angel for the night.

Next morning, we soon found our way out of Mugabe land, heading for a taste of Mozambique. Although this was a short brush through this country, we ended up having to spend the night at the border (Mwanza) with Malawi.

T'was where the fun really began, where we saw victory in having already travelled that far, and the benefits of disorganisation began to reveal themselves. We serendipidously got lost on a road that took us to Nkhata Bay, a seemingly secluded beach area of the great Lake Malawi. Met some really helpful youngsters (Frank and Gibson), who introduced us to all the right people: the lady of the town (spouse to some German, and owner of several businesses in the area), and even went out of their way to get us some Banji...the Ganja...the best shit in town! Last time I had good Malawi was on my first visit out of SA, to Botswana...that was a 'minute' ago, I tell you. I'll never forget this place (Malawi), soon to return to it!

This energy boost got us rolling into Mbeya, Tanzania like we had a plan! None of that, in fact, we didn't even know whether David Robinson (DR) would be there to receive us, following attempts at spending thousands of Dollars and Kwacha to contact him.

The first night at our destination had us hanging out with the richest dude in the neighbourhood, owner of the Impala Lodge and Bar. Dude took great care of us food and drink (mostly Fanta Pineapple), paid for a few games of pool at the club where Supreme landed on stage, bumbing something in English, which NOBODY (as strange as it may seem) understood a word of...they all spoke Kiswahili. He also took us into his home, where the good wife had been waiting up for him with a tray of Nsima and some other stuff on the table.

The next morning began with the first of a few bumpy farm rides to the 60 odd acres of coffeee land, owned by none other that Jackie's son....DR, and a few other peopls, I think. He has a blessed family indeed...great kids...all 10 or so of them!
And this was our final destination...

We got 1 lousy night out of our farm experience, and then it was time to get back on the road again...